this is not a new word in the indian lingo.. we all have used it in a frolic manner.. but have we ever thought that i could be relevant as well... what inspired me to write this is the typical usage of this phrase amongst us whenever a guy is seen talking to a pretty girl.. or any girl per say.
The question is whether an element of Brother is involved when a girl looks for an ideal husband or not.. Any conservative indain would say no.. but if u pour into the heart of a lady, the answer is yes..
so whats an IDEAL husband material like: he is Brother material + Boyfriend material
Brother: he is protective and caring, he gives u a shoulder to cry, he kisses on ur forehead to say i love u little sister and want u to be happy forever...
Boyfriend: he is possesive and passionate, he attracts you like anything, he is a fanatic who can do anything for you... not literally.. (this is not true although)
For any girl, an IDEAL husband is the one who has both a brother and a boyfriend in him,.. he protects you, cares for u, loves you and can do anything for you, he can be naughty but at the same time will have tears just at the thought of u leaving him.... actually the truth is the demands of women never end and they want everything in one package but thats practically not possible.. thats y i say an IDEAL combination..
so next time if someone calls u a bhaiya... dont deter urself.. the transition from "bhaiya to saiyyan" is possible just a few extra qualities are needed... :)
Welcome to my blog.... Pixels of life... this blog deals with all the bits and bytes of our lives.. sharing different experiences and philosophies... So.. lets start looking at different angles that we can think of..... Happy blogging...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Is "36-24-36" Ideal??
this article is for women who wanna have a celebrity figure and believe that a 36-24-36 would make them have their dream guy.. but i disagree... an "Ideal" is not actually a real world ideal figure..if you have a 36-24-36 in real, people would look like you as if u were a hot actress and on the other hand if u had a Size 0 which is the Kareena figure, no one will even look at you.. y is it so? because we are REAL people, we get fantasised by the Reel world which makes us admire the beauty of curves which the models have, but we do not appreciate it when we have it in the real real world.... i believe the IDEAL for REAL people is somewhere between 36-24-36 to size 0....not the extremes...
The secret mantra look beautiful and cute to the REAL world are (2): These are my Million Dollar Rules........
1) Have the cutest ever possible smile.. remember a smile can hide lot of inefficiencies you
3) Have a positive attitute towards life..
Having all this in place..u are bound to be noticed as a cute, sweet as well as a sexy lady...
Go get it girl !!!
The secret mantra look beautiful and cute to the REAL world are (2): These are my Million Dollar Rules........
1) Have the cutest ever possible smile.. remember a smile can hide lot of inefficiencies you
3) Have a positive attitute towards life..
Having all this in place..u are bound to be noticed as a cute, sweet as well as a sexy lady...
Go get it girl !!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A tribute to Our very own P.A.P.A of Pond club..
His name says about Gods, his attitude is caring, teaches us SCM and is very hard working.. he is none other than our PAPA of Pond club..
He is a straight shooter who deals in the truth plain and simple and, who likes to smooth the progress of solutions as a service to others. He is task-oriented, highly organized, and a very loyal colleague who, while getting things done will often be reluctant to take any of the credit. He will tell you all the SCM concepts without any errors.. he says what he likes and what he dislikes.. there is no political correctness involved.. You may not understand some of his jokes if u are not intelligent enough.. but u can be sure that the intention is mostly a "red flag".. so think in the red flag direction and u will definately understand it....
He is a bit protective and this makes him an ideal person to be a brother.. no wonder he is a real brother of 6 and many more otherwise... He likes cleanliness and is very peculiar about small things.. pretty organised i must say.. His wish is to work for one of the leading brands and i hope that ur wish is granted to u soon...
He hates sweet things and sugary people .. i thot u hated pizza too...
This is a tribute on ur B'day... we all want to wish that u get whatever u want from life... We all will remember u as P.A.P.A in the NITIE family...
Happy B'Day!!!
He is a straight shooter who deals in the truth plain and simple and, who likes to smooth the progress of solutions as a service to others. He is task-oriented, highly organized, and a very loyal colleague who, while getting things done will often be reluctant to take any of the credit. He will tell you all the SCM concepts without any errors.. he says what he likes and what he dislikes.. there is no political correctness involved.. You may not understand some of his jokes if u are not intelligent enough.. but u can be sure that the intention is mostly a "red flag".. so think in the red flag direction and u will definately understand it....
He is a bit protective and this makes him an ideal person to be a brother.. no wonder he is a real brother of 6 and many more otherwise... He likes cleanliness and is very peculiar about small things.. pretty organised i must say.. His wish is to work for one of the leading brands and i hope that ur wish is granted to u soon...
He hates sweet things and sugary people .. i thot u hated pizza too...
This is a tribute on ur B'day... we all want to wish that u get whatever u want from life... We all will remember u as P.A.P.A in the NITIE family...
Happy B'Day!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Small Thinking Serves No-One..
Our existance on earth is for a specific purpose, for a superhuman goal.. it is our duty to identify that ultimate self acutualization.. we can only get hints.. but yes, achieving the ultimate path will obviously have thorns and difficulties, and it is our karmic indebtness to go through those thorns, cross them... if we dont do so, if we are content with what happens to us and let life take its course we are actually adding to our karmic debt...
Think BIG, life has a bigger purpose, it is giving you hints by generating desires in you...go ahead and achieve those desires.. Get out of your comfort zones.. life has a lot to offer you....
SMALL THINKING: My job is enough to pay my bills why should i earn more... BIG THINKING: i want to die as a millionaire.. so why should'nt i work towards it..
SMALL THINKING:“I’m not really happy with my woman or my relationship … but it’s just so much work to go out and meet new people” to BIG THINKING: “I’m not happy in this relationship, but it’s only going to get worse. I might as well end it now for me AND her sake — I’m going to do my best to make sure I’m happy & encourage her to do the same!”
SMALL THINKING: I really love a girl since the past 4 years but I never tried because she is committed.. I will forget about her and try for some one else who is easy to approach.. to BIG THINKING: I will try my best to get the girl i love.. I refuse to accept that she is not mine..and I will make her believe in the depth of my true love no matter what it takes..
SMALL THINKING:i want to change my look, but i dont want my friends to laugh on me.. i think i will continue the same look.. to BIG THINKING: I am going to change my look, come hell or high water.. and if my friends are not kool with my new look, i will find new friends..
The point is THINK BIG.. in the short run you may face problems but eventually you will get what you want.. atleast take the first step towards doing what your Heart says.. and you will end up loving your life..
You have complete right to think about your dreams and fulfill them.. no matter what is takes.. so let us all pledge to take the first step towards the ultimate karmic indications and decide to Ask for something BIG in life because eventually life will give us what we ask for!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Are you a Sagittarian Girl...........
A tall slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step. She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get up set easily. Self confident woman who belief in her own style. She will not follow fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is an honest person and never try to cause troubles for any one. She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you could make more money, so you could afford better cloth, but anyway it is better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too much and become greedy". She can say such thing and make you wonder if you should get up set or love her more. She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. She likes to be protected, but not to give her orders. She has no respect to a weak man. If she try to over powered you, then you have to calm her down and try to control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too. She will listen if she respect you. She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself. She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says "Guess what I will do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say what she is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in this matter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her love life as another funny story. She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it is cute, but for some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is very friendly, so she can easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has good taste in fine cloths, good food, first class and first services. Even a poor woman in this Zodiac will struggle to afford such good taste. She could spent lots of money as if she can not understand how difficult it is to make money. If you think of let her borrow money, think again. She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she may already think about getting marry and lost her freedom and so on and on. A jolly woman who loves sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy. She has more guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy. She does not care about rumors, so she can get home very late and couldn't careless what her neighbor will gossip about her. She thinks either good or bad, you will know it yourself , so you should not bother what people think. Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love, but never afraid to look for a new one.. She likes going straight and being straight forward. She will not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just to say something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will admire you.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Celebrating Independence
Dated : 15th Aug'09
On this sacred day i wish you all a Happy Independence Day!! but when i say this, a question haunts my mind again and again...
that are we truely independent..we need to look into our own hearts and souls to find the answer to this question. what independence means to us? does it mean just having the rights to equality, freedom, religion, the right against exploitation, education and constitutional remedies? do these fundamental rights suffice our freedom? our independence?
A great man once said: "Freedom is not free" it comes with responsibility and pride.
let us all take a pledge today to protect and respect our freedom. To show our indebtness to those men who fought for freedom, who sacrificed their lives so their our generation can enjoy the fruits of our independence... Welcome to Independent and Mature India.. I Salute You!!
On this sacred day i wish you all a Happy Independence Day!! but when i say this, a question haunts my mind again and again...
that are we truely independent..we need to look into our own hearts and souls to find the answer to this question. what independence means to us? does it mean just having the rights to equality, freedom, religion, the right against exploitation, education and constitutional remedies? do these fundamental rights suffice our freedom? our independence?
A great man once said: "Freedom is not free" it comes with responsibility and pride.
let us all take a pledge today to protect and respect our freedom. To show our indebtness to those men who fought for freedom, who sacrificed their lives so their our generation can enjoy the fruits of our independence... Welcome to Independent and Mature India.. I Salute You!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
hey all..
the POND club is not about a club or an association... its being in a family away from family.. the P.O.N.D is a home away from home.. its serene, beautiful, a way to pass our time when we dont have anything to do @NITIE or a way to pass our time when we have lots and lots to do @ NITIE.. excuse me.. m talking about studies..
every evening ... even at afternoons.. we go to POND .. its a place where we can discuss ghost stories, we can fight over things like shahrukh and salman, we can discuss the handsome RAM and SITA of ramayan, we ignore, we mingle, we laugh our hearts out and we cut cakes too...
not only this, some of us even jog around it in the hope of loosing weight.. some jog around in the hope that they can enjoy the company of some of their likes.. lazy people like me just like to sit and watch the water and sky... while some just enjoy talking on their mobile phones... secretive talks ..hmmmm....
we all have different reasons to go there... but there is one common thread that joins us.. the POND.. dont know agar pond nahi hota to kya hota.. lets all pay a salute to the pond for giving us all that it has...
ofcourse the POND club would still have existed.... irrespective of the POND exists or not.. becoz we are frnds.. and its our hearts that join us not the POND obviously..
we all are doing our internships at different places and really really miss not only the POND but our POND club too... hope to meet u all soon...
the POND club is not about a club or an association... its being in a family away from family.. the P.O.N.D is a home away from home.. its serene, beautiful, a way to pass our time when we dont have anything to do @NITIE or a way to pass our time when we have lots and lots to do @ NITIE.. excuse me.. m talking about studies..
every evening ... even at afternoons.. we go to POND .. its a place where we can discuss ghost stories, we can fight over things like shahrukh and salman, we can discuss the handsome RAM and SITA of ramayan, we ignore, we mingle, we laugh our hearts out and we cut cakes too...
not only this, some of us even jog around it in the hope of loosing weight.. some jog around in the hope that they can enjoy the company of some of their likes.. lazy people like me just like to sit and watch the water and sky... while some just enjoy talking on their mobile phones... secretive talks ..hmmmm....
we all have different reasons to go there... but there is one common thread that joins us.. the POND.. dont know agar pond nahi hota to kya hota.. lets all pay a salute to the pond for giving us all that it has...
ofcourse the POND club would still have existed.... irrespective of the POND exists or not.. becoz we are frnds.. and its our hearts that join us not the POND obviously..
we all are doing our internships at different places and really really miss not only the POND but our POND club too... hope to meet u all soon...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Beware of Corporate Cowism

Disclaimer - This post is copied from the internet somewhere, not my original thought
There are emerging Cowisms in the corporate world today... Have a look....
You have a 1000 poor cows. You put them on a nice campus, & send them one at a time to the US for milking.
You have 10 cows. You make them work so that they give milk of 100 cows.
GE has a cow. You take 49% of the milk.
Intel has a Goat. Samsung has a Camel. Buy milk from both & sell it as Cow's milk.
You have old stubborn cows. You sell them as pet dogs to innocent small businessmen.
You have a cow. Force the world to buy milk from you. Spend a million dollars to feed poorer cows.
You have a bull. It doesn't give milk. You hate Microsoft.
You have a cow. You don't know which side to milk, so you sell tools to help milk cows.
You don't have a cow You sell milking solutions for cows implemented by milking consultants.
You have a cow. You sell iMilk.
You have a cow. You spend $50 mn to develop the world's thinnest milk.
Welcome to Citibank. If you have a cow, press 1. If you have a bull, press 2...stay on line if you'd like our customer care to milk it for you.
You don't know if what you have is a cow. You sell complete milking solutions through authorised resellers only.
There are emerging Cowisms in the corporate world today... Have a look....
You have a 1000 poor cows. You put them on a nice campus, & send them one at a time to the US for milking.
You have 10 cows. You make them work so that they give milk of 100 cows.
GE has a cow. You take 49% of the milk.
Intel has a Goat. Samsung has a Camel. Buy milk from both & sell it as Cow's milk.
You have old stubborn cows. You sell them as pet dogs to innocent small businessmen.
You have a cow. Force the world to buy milk from you. Spend a million dollars to feed poorer cows.
You have a bull. It doesn't give milk. You hate Microsoft.
You have a cow. You don't know which side to milk, so you sell tools to help milk cows.
You don't have a cow You sell milking solutions for cows implemented by milking consultants.
You have a cow. You sell iMilk.
You have a cow. You spend $50 mn to develop the world's thinnest milk.
Welcome to Citibank. If you have a cow, press 1. If you have a bull, press 2...stay on line if you'd like our customer care to milk it for you.
You don't know if what you have is a cow. You sell complete milking solutions through authorised resellers only.
You don't yet have a cow. You sell empty cans to people for Rs. 501, because Dhirubhai wanted everyone to have milk.
You don't yet have a cow. You sell empty cans to people for Rs. 501, because Dhirubhai wanted everyone to have milk.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Are guys from Delhi better than those from Mumbai??
This post might interest girls more... as its a comparison about "guys".. Delhi Vs Mumbai to bahut suna hoga but Delhi ke munde Vs Mumbai ke chore unique hai ji..
For analysis, NITIE has sufficient amount of guys from Mumbai and Delhi and somehow they posess distict charecterics and hence it inspired me to write this comparison...** these are general chars .. exceptions are always there!!!
1. Guys from Delhi are street smart.. they know how to bribe the traffic police when caught.. they know how to make excuses to their boss, they know how to calculatively bunk classes..
WHile Mumbai guys are executively smart.. they know how to blabber something in english and get away from trouble.. they actually know how to play with words.. they think themselves to be KOOL while the delhi people think themselves to be HOT...
2. A delhi guy will always talk about chandni chowk, chole tikki and the metro rails..
While a mumbai guy will talk about the local train, the paav-bhaji and the beaches..
Whenver Delhi and Mumbai meet.. they cannot resist this argument.. "Tumhara Delhi accha hai ya Aamchi Mumbai.. Delhi ki metro mumbai ki local se jyada acchi hai.. arre.. mumbai jitna traffic nahi jhel paayegi tumhari metro.. Mumbai me jyada pubs hai.. are nahi nahi.. delhi jyada happening hai.. and it goes on and on...."
3. Normally, as i have seen... Mumbai people prefer to take a bus or train as their commute.. while those from delhi like to go by Auto.. Moreover, Delhi guys talk more about bikes, cars etc while this conversation never interests a Mumbaiits..infact many of the mumbai guys dont know how to drive.. but still they will reach the destination..
4. Ahh... about their attitude towards girls... A Delhi guy is more shy as compared to a Mumbaiya... jitne time me Mumbaiya ladki ko pata k juhu beach ghuma layega.. utne time me Delhi guy baat kaise start karni hai vo plan kar raha not commenting on the strategy... both strategies could b good if used in proper sense..but a Mumbaiya is a bit more open and communicative as compared to a Delhi one..
Common Guys... Both cities are equally good.. Dont Argue everytime...
These were just my observations.. i dont mean any offence to anybody..exceptions to these rules exist everywhere.. Any more comparisons... feel free to comment!!!
For analysis, NITIE has sufficient amount of guys from Mumbai and Delhi and somehow they posess distict charecterics and hence it inspired me to write this comparison...** these are general chars .. exceptions are always there!!!
1. Guys from Delhi are street smart.. they know how to bribe the traffic police when caught.. they know how to make excuses to their boss, they know how to calculatively bunk classes..
WHile Mumbai guys are executively smart.. they know how to blabber something in english and get away from trouble.. they actually know how to play with words.. they think themselves to be KOOL while the delhi people think themselves to be HOT...
2. A delhi guy will always talk about chandni chowk, chole tikki and the metro rails..
While a mumbai guy will talk about the local train, the paav-bhaji and the beaches..
Whenver Delhi and Mumbai meet.. they cannot resist this argument.. "Tumhara Delhi accha hai ya Aamchi Mumbai.. Delhi ki metro mumbai ki local se jyada acchi hai.. arre.. mumbai jitna traffic nahi jhel paayegi tumhari metro.. Mumbai me jyada pubs hai.. are nahi nahi.. delhi jyada happening hai.. and it goes on and on...."
3. Normally, as i have seen... Mumbai people prefer to take a bus or train as their commute.. while those from delhi like to go by Auto.. Moreover, Delhi guys talk more about bikes, cars etc while this conversation never interests a Mumbaiits..infact many of the mumbai guys dont know how to drive.. but still they will reach the destination..
4. Ahh... about their attitude towards girls... A Delhi guy is more shy as compared to a Mumbaiya... jitne time me Mumbaiya ladki ko pata k juhu beach ghuma layega.. utne time me Delhi guy baat kaise start karni hai vo plan kar raha not commenting on the strategy... both strategies could b good if used in proper sense..but a Mumbaiya is a bit more open and communicative as compared to a Delhi one..
Common Guys... Both cities are equally good.. Dont Argue everytime...
These were just my observations.. i dont mean any offence to anybody..exceptions to these rules exist everywhere.. Any more comparisons... feel free to comment!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Does PINK make you weak??
Can pink make strong men weak? Do pink jail cells create a calming effect? Is it true that football locker rooms (the ones for the visiting/opposing teams) are painted a certain shade of pink to weaken the players?
One of the most interesting examples of color effects is Baker-Miller Pink - a color that's close to the bubble gum pink . Also known as :drunk tank pink," this color is used to calm violent prisoners in jails. Dr. Alexander Schauss, Ph.D., director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research in Tacoma Washington, was the first to report the suppression of angry, antagonistic, and anxiety ridden behavior among prisoners: "Even if a person tries to be angry or aggressive in the presence of pink, he can't. The heart muscles can’t race fast enough. It’s a tranquilizing color that saps your energy. Even the color-blind are tranquilized by pink rooms." (1) In spite of these powerful effects, there is substantial evidence that these reactions are short term. Once the body returns to a state of equilibrium, a prisoner may regress to an even more agitated state. (Link:
this is just one perception of pink.. there are many others:
Meaning of pink:
While red stirs up passion and action, studies have shown that large amounts of pink can create physical weakness in people. Perhaps there is a tie-in between this physical reaction and the color's association with the so-called weaker sex.Both red and pink denote love but while red is hot passion, pink is romantic and charming. Use pink to convey playfulness (hot pink flamingoes) and tenderness (pastel pinks).
Language of Pink:
The use of pink in familiar phrases can help a designer see how their color of choice might be perceived by others — both the positive and negative aspects.
Good pinkIn the pink - healthy
Tickled pink - happy, content
Pink collar - female office worker (sometimes used in a derogatory manner)
Bad or neutral pink
Pink collar - female office worker (sometimes used in a derogatory manner to imply low person on the office totem pole)
Pink - cut, notch, or make a zigzag
So.. is pink ur favourite color??
One of the most interesting examples of color effects is Baker-Miller Pink - a color that's close to the bubble gum pink . Also known as :drunk tank pink," this color is used to calm violent prisoners in jails. Dr. Alexander Schauss, Ph.D., director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research in Tacoma Washington, was the first to report the suppression of angry, antagonistic, and anxiety ridden behavior among prisoners: "Even if a person tries to be angry or aggressive in the presence of pink, he can't. The heart muscles can’t race fast enough. It’s a tranquilizing color that saps your energy. Even the color-blind are tranquilized by pink rooms." (1) In spite of these powerful effects, there is substantial evidence that these reactions are short term. Once the body returns to a state of equilibrium, a prisoner may regress to an even more agitated state. (Link:
this is just one perception of pink.. there are many others:
Meaning of pink:
While red stirs up passion and action, studies have shown that large amounts of pink can create physical weakness in people. Perhaps there is a tie-in between this physical reaction and the color's association with the so-called weaker sex.Both red and pink denote love but while red is hot passion, pink is romantic and charming. Use pink to convey playfulness (hot pink flamingoes) and tenderness (pastel pinks).
Language of Pink:
The use of pink in familiar phrases can help a designer see how their color of choice might be perceived by others — both the positive and negative aspects.
Good pinkIn the pink - healthy
Tickled pink - happy, content
Pink collar - female office worker (sometimes used in a derogatory manner)
Bad or neutral pink
Pink collar - female office worker (sometimes used in a derogatory manner to imply low person on the office totem pole)
Pink - cut, notch, or make a zigzag
So.. is pink ur favourite color??
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Are we living with Despo's
Despo kahika... is he a despo? really!!! lagta to decent hai...
these are some of the statement which most of the women make.. among themselves...
infact.. such men are not even aware that this is the word used for them at their back.. in gang of girls...
so.. what is a despo exactly? literally speaking, this is a slang evolved from the word 'desperate', which is generally used for men who tend to be too fast in starting a relationship or say.. who are after women who really dont like them..or who try to come too close to women (could b unintentional)
so why is it that most of the proffessional women has used this word for someone atleast once in her lifetime?? do we really have too many despo's around us? or women are trying to exaggerate?
The reasons are many.
1.women to men ratio is still very poor in proffessional arena (around 1:10), and believe it or not.. everyone needs a partner with opposite sex. Lack of options and choice makes guys too obsessive.. and too much attention makes girls too much protective about themselves..
2. Too much exposure to internet, and TV shows like MTV spitsvilla etc gives them new ways to impress a girl which may not be very suitable to a lady with typical indian mentality.
3. Guys with modern education think that its cool to ask a girl 'Are u single?' on the first meeting itself.. this may not be liked by a girl who doesnt have this kind of exposure, or could not be tolerable to many of them.
These were the reasons... and the consequences with guys who are too fast or despo's could be in 2 dimentions: either u end up making a girlfriend very fast and being recognised in ur college as kool
or u never know u are named as a despo behind ur back and u may loose out on the girl u seriously love...
so.. if u r a guy and u seriously like a girl.. do not pounce on her as if she is ur property...
do not ask questions which are too personal like "Are u single" or "wud u like to cum for coffee".. this is a complete No-No for the first urself.. do not try to pretend as if u r too kool or broadminded, this could backfire..
even a decent and sober guy can come in the category of a despo.. u never know...
All the best :)
these are some of the statement which most of the women make.. among themselves...
infact.. such men are not even aware that this is the word used for them at their back.. in gang of girls...
so.. what is a despo exactly? literally speaking, this is a slang evolved from the word 'desperate', which is generally used for men who tend to be too fast in starting a relationship or say.. who are after women who really dont like them..or who try to come too close to women (could b unintentional)
so why is it that most of the proffessional women has used this word for someone atleast once in her lifetime?? do we really have too many despo's around us? or women are trying to exaggerate?
The reasons are many.
1.women to men ratio is still very poor in proffessional arena (around 1:10), and believe it or not.. everyone needs a partner with opposite sex. Lack of options and choice makes guys too obsessive.. and too much attention makes girls too much protective about themselves..
2. Too much exposure to internet, and TV shows like MTV spitsvilla etc gives them new ways to impress a girl which may not be very suitable to a lady with typical indian mentality.
3. Guys with modern education think that its cool to ask a girl 'Are u single?' on the first meeting itself.. this may not be liked by a girl who doesnt have this kind of exposure, or could not be tolerable to many of them.
These were the reasons... and the consequences with guys who are too fast or despo's could be in 2 dimentions: either u end up making a girlfriend very fast and being recognised in ur college as kool
or u never know u are named as a despo behind ur back and u may loose out on the girl u seriously love...
so.. if u r a guy and u seriously like a girl.. do not pounce on her as if she is ur property...
do not ask questions which are too personal like "Are u single" or "wud u like to cum for coffee".. this is a complete No-No for the first urself.. do not try to pretend as if u r too kool or broadminded, this could backfire..
even a decent and sober guy can come in the category of a despo.. u never know...
All the best :)
Love is Dillema!!
This is not aimed at anyone.. someone wrote it.. i just liked it thats y it got a place on my blog :)
Love is Dilemma She said to me - “Love is Exception Making.” Well, I will have to agree to that partially… But for me, U r falling in Love when u face lots of dilemmas… Whenever I feel very strong and confident and if at that moment, I hear her voice or see her or just have a glimpse of her inside me – I suddenly become weak. She is like a switch turning me on and off at ‘her’ will. No!!! Should I say at ‘my’ will??? I am in a dilemma. Well this dilemma is love. Whenever I am at my deepest pits and I feel that I cannot even blow a candle out on my own and I need someone’s assistance to finish this job and if at that moment, I hear her voice or see her or just run a slideshow of her in my projector with the inner side of my closed eyes as the screen – I suddenly become stronger than Super Man. She is like a switch turning me on whenever she feels like. And she is the same switch who turns me off to… Well this is the same person, I am talking abt. How could the same person do exactly opposite things to you? I am in another dilemma. Well, this dilemma is love. I can hate her to the fullest without any regrets. I can love her to the fullest without any limits. I will hurt her and the wounds in her heart due to me will be the most painful. I will show joy to her and with my smiles in her treasure she will be the richest. I will make her work a lot without giving any returns. I will work for her a lot denying all returns. I will slap her ‘willingly’. She will slap me back just to make a point. She will yell at me when I am angry at her. She will also yell at me when I am not angry at her. I will be ready to take a day off to help her when she only needs a tip. Sometimes, I will also not help her whenever she is really desperate and at those times, she will understand me beyond me. Dilemmas keep chasing u in love…. Previously, there wouldn’t have been any face to your dream girl. But now her face is sweeter than what your dream girl’s would have been. You know that she may not fulfill all that you expected from your dream girl. You would have always thought you were very deterministic and focused. But now there is a dilemma. She is there waiting at the gates for you to come out of your boundaries. You just start walking towards her, blinded. Blinded because of two reasons – you are not sure why you are leaving all of you for her so suddenly? Blinded of another reason, you are not even sure whether she is waiting for “you”. Dilemmas again… Undeclared results for an unwritten exam. You will love her when she hates you. You will love her more when she loves to talk abt her love to you. You will fall more in love with her, the more she tries to prove that she does not match you. Then you will suddenly doubt yourself, Am I in love? Bcos, I am supposed to be angry with what she is doing to me. But this very dilemma is Love. Because if you are not in love, you will not be asking this question to yourself.
Love is Dilemma She said to me - “Love is Exception Making.” Well, I will have to agree to that partially… But for me, U r falling in Love when u face lots of dilemmas… Whenever I feel very strong and confident and if at that moment, I hear her voice or see her or just have a glimpse of her inside me – I suddenly become weak. She is like a switch turning me on and off at ‘her’ will. No!!! Should I say at ‘my’ will??? I am in a dilemma. Well this dilemma is love. Whenever I am at my deepest pits and I feel that I cannot even blow a candle out on my own and I need someone’s assistance to finish this job and if at that moment, I hear her voice or see her or just run a slideshow of her in my projector with the inner side of my closed eyes as the screen – I suddenly become stronger than Super Man. She is like a switch turning me on whenever she feels like. And she is the same switch who turns me off to… Well this is the same person, I am talking abt. How could the same person do exactly opposite things to you? I am in another dilemma. Well, this dilemma is love. I can hate her to the fullest without any regrets. I can love her to the fullest without any limits. I will hurt her and the wounds in her heart due to me will be the most painful. I will show joy to her and with my smiles in her treasure she will be the richest. I will make her work a lot without giving any returns. I will work for her a lot denying all returns. I will slap her ‘willingly’. She will slap me back just to make a point. She will yell at me when I am angry at her. She will also yell at me when I am not angry at her. I will be ready to take a day off to help her when she only needs a tip. Sometimes, I will also not help her whenever she is really desperate and at those times, she will understand me beyond me. Dilemmas keep chasing u in love…. Previously, there wouldn’t have been any face to your dream girl. But now her face is sweeter than what your dream girl’s would have been. You know that she may not fulfill all that you expected from your dream girl. You would have always thought you were very deterministic and focused. But now there is a dilemma. She is there waiting at the gates for you to come out of your boundaries. You just start walking towards her, blinded. Blinded because of two reasons – you are not sure why you are leaving all of you for her so suddenly? Blinded of another reason, you are not even sure whether she is waiting for “you”. Dilemmas again… Undeclared results for an unwritten exam. You will love her when she hates you. You will love her more when she loves to talk abt her love to you. You will fall more in love with her, the more she tries to prove that she does not match you. Then you will suddenly doubt yourself, Am I in love? Bcos, I am supposed to be angry with what she is doing to me. But this very dilemma is Love. Because if you are not in love, you will not be asking this question to yourself.
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